Welcome to the IDRiM Podcast

We are in a rapidly evolving world, meaning that the need for platforms that engage, educate, and empower society has never been more apparent. A podcast tailored to the interests and concerns of our community not only serves as a beacon of information but also fosters a sense of belonging and understanding among its listeners. By delving into diverse topics ranging from climate change and meteorological disasters to Natech disasters and terrorism, such a podcast has the potential to become a powerful tool for positive social change. In this age of digital connectivity, where voices from all corners of society yearn to be heard, the creation of a podcast offers an unparalleled opportunity to amplify junior researchers’ voices, speak meaningful dialogue, and inspire collective action.

This podcast series is going to run in a way that every Tuesday, there will be a new episode focusing on different aspects of the disaster, whether it be a recap of this month, whether it be about what we do like a documentary episode, whether it be asking students to see research about their career development, or even just asking PhD students who have just graduated to their research.

Episode #1

For our inaugural episode, we aim to explore the origins and future of the IDRiM Society with the first and current Presidents of IDRiM.

•     Prof. Norio Okada (Kyoto University, Japan)
•     Prof. Ana Maria Cruz (Kyoto University, Japan)
•     Dr. Mark Ashley Parry (Northumbria University, UK)
•     Dr. Haris Rahadianto (Kyoto University, Japan)
More information about how to join the IDRiM society is available at: ⁠https://idrim.org/⁠
Music: “Sunset” by Kai Engel, available at ⁠Free Music Archive⁠, licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Watch it on YouTube:

Episode #2

Coming soon.