IDRiM 2013 Conference
IDRiM 2013
Venue: Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Dates: 4-6 September 2013
The 4th Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM 2013) together with the Dealing with Disasters International Conference (DwD 2013) will be hosted by Northumbria University in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, from 4th – 6th September 2013. The theme of the conference is “From Opportunity to Action: Bridging the Gap between Disaster Reduction and Development through Science(s), Technology and People Centred Actions.”
DwD / IDRiM 2013 Overview
The focus of the conference builds on opportunities through science and technology, political will and behaviour change to address current crises and reduce risks for future generations. Whilst knowledge about the nature and context of disasters has proliferated, many potential actions for integrated disaster reduction remain far from realised. The disjuncture between existing opportunities and actions both present and anticipated is a complex problem of the disaster and development nexus. Driven by common objectives of survivability, there is a need to bridge gaps between disaster reduction and development through varied types of science (natural, social and others), technologies and people centric actions. This requires ‘smart awareness’, motivation and vision to enable combined disaster reduction and sustainable development at local and global levels. The conference aims to address opportunities for action through varied state of the art contributions from the worlds of disaster science, technology, policy and practice. It is also open to expertise less conventionally recognised within this field. It intends to stimulate a next generation of ideas and actions for disaster reduction.
Cross-cutting Themes
The conference focus solicits papers and sessions informed by cross-cutting themes of disaster management, sustainable development, resilience building, vulnerability reduction, risk assessment and governance, risk financing, living with uncertainty, transformative processes, cultural recognition and change, poverty reduction, wellbeing, climate change adaptation, integration science, disaster communication, innovation, communities of practice, and policy including dialogue from different disciplines related to risk. These cross-cutting themes from academic, policy and practice dialogues will for the purpose of this conference be considered interrelated, mutually informative and key to moving from opportunity to action. The conference focus will be maintained by reflecting on how theory, method and implementation presented by these processes can make a difference to the future of dealing with disasters.
Conference topics particularly encouraged
We are keen to receive proposals for papers or sessions relating to the following, though other contributions associated with the conference theme absent from this list will also be considered:
- Understanding uncertainties to reduce gaps to action
- Using poverty led actions to address disaster risk
- Developing public-private-civil societal-academic partnerships in disaster and development work
- Investing in safer human habitats – safety science – post disaster reconstruction and building resilience
- Experiential and intuitive learning in disaster and development contexts
- Engaging demographic change – child centred and elderly persons disaster risk reduction
- Health and wellbeing centred disaster reduction
- Social and economic mobility, displacement and adaptation
- Visualisation and communication in disaster risk reduction
- Social protection, insurance and human security
- Risk governance, education, development and collective decision making
- ‘The risk governance, scientific advisors, science and policy interface’ (This theme already identified as a Special Session – proposals for papers are invited)
- Complex ‘Natech’ disasters – critical scenario development
- Developing applications of forensic science, emergency management and disaster warning systems
- A new humanitarianism
Conference Features
The conference will include plenary, parallel, poster, panel, ‘young scientists’ and doctoral sessions.
A full set of double blind peer reviewed proceedings will be produced with special editions of journals / book. Several publishers are interested in providing outlets for this event.
Further partnerships and sponsorships in progress.
December 15th Opening of official website and registration; abstract and session proposals by email;
March 30th Abstract and session proposals closing;
April 30th Notification of session and abstract acceptance;
May 15th Announcement of conference programme;
June 30th Deadline for early registration
July 15th Deadline for full paper submissions
July 15th Deadline for additional poster submissions
August 31st Deadline for normal period registration
Associated meetings and events at DwD2013 / IDRiM 2013 include:
IDRiM Society Board Meeting and General Assembly
British Festival of Science (BSF) 7th – 12th September, Newcastle including a specially hosted DwD/IDRiM 2103 high level panel on; ‘Communication and Disaster Reduction: the future of science, education and politics in negotiating uncertain nature’ (7th Sept).
Meeting of the Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction
Meeting of the Disaster and Development Alliance – ‘UK Champions for Change Initiative’
Delphe – British Council / DFID meeting on ‘Disaster Education for Community Resilience’
Meeting of the Japan-UK Disaster Risk Reduction Study Programme
Board Meetings of at least three international journals focussed on disaster reduction
… other meetings and events to be added by June 2013
Full Program: Here
For more information please contact: