Webinar series – Network of Networks on Good Practices for Risk-based Decision Making

Organized by IDRiM and AFPCNT, organization member of IDRiM Society

1st Webinar

In 2024, the association AFPCNT and the IDRIM Society are initiating a cycle of webinars, in the international initiative « Network of networks on good practices for Risk Base Decision Making », whose acronym is N²RBDM.

The first N²RBDM webinar will take place on 24th April 2024 from Noon to 2 pm (Central Europe Time).

The invitation is extended to as many as possible members of the DRR community around the world : please feel free to forward it to any connexions.

See above the invitation / programme 

Registration is required to get access to the event. It is already accessible on the following link : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSduU-PJ3NNHC8b31WgvnwlB4vjIRIZFSuXrKWMZalt90pk4EA/viewform

The target public is truly large and diverse:

  • elected persons in charge of the DRM public policy areas, at any governance level,
  • journalists and investigators committed to environmental and risk issues and information,
  • practitioners and scientists from every segment of the DRR ecosystem all around the world,
  • all categories of students, PhDs and post docs in every discipline,
  • any other interested party or person, in particular all categories of CSOs

To discover more about the international framework for disaster risk management, consult our presentation of the Sendai Framework (video with English subtitles) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5REQVgimTM

2nd Webinar

The second webinar will be held as a side event of the III Inter-American Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change.

[Date and time]

Monday, May 20, from 9:00 to 11:00 (Colombian time) / 14:00 – 16:00 (UTC)

[Title / Speakers]

1. “Utilizing Cyberinfrastructure to Advance Cooperation in Natural Hazards Research

Jean-Paul Pinelli, Florida Institute of Technology: Founder of the Wind and Hurricane Impact Research Laboratory (WHIRL), co-Principal Investigator in the Wind Hazard and Infrastructure Performance Center (WHIP-C), leader of the engineering team of the Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model (FPHLM) and co-PI in DesignSafe-ci, the Natural Hazard Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) cyberinfrastructure.

2. “Network-of-Networks for Compound Perils”

David Green, Principal Consultant, Chief Scientists for Fireline-AI; Senior Advisor to the Western Fire Chiefs Association, Earth Fire Alliance, FireSat Mission; Open Geospatial Consortium, Disaster Pilots, Flood, Heat and Fire; Collaborator and Advisor for Model-of-Models Compound Perils, Program Manager NASA, Disaster Risk Reduction & Community Multihazard Resilience: floods, earthquakes, tsunami, wildfire, volcano; and Program Manager NOAA, Weather, Water, Ecosystem and Climate Forecasting and Prediction.


To register for the session, please sign up via the link below:

