IDRiM Journal
A Special IDRiM Journal Issue of the IDRiM 2013 Conference will be published in 2014 based on papers presented at the conference.
A Special IDRiM Journal Issue of the IDRiM 2013 Conference will be published in 2014 based on papers presented at the conference.
Abstracts should be submitted as a word file via to
Important Dates
Abstract deadline: 15 July 2010 (extended)
Early registration deadline: 31 July 2010
Notification of abstract acceptance: 21 July 2010
IDRiM 2010 – Tenth Annual Conference on Integrated Disaster Risk Management: Sharing IDRiM experiences under different socio-economic and cultural contexts will take place at BOKU University, in Vienna, Austria from 1-4 September 2010.
The conference is being co-organized by
BOKU University
the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI) of Kyoto University
and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA).
The conference will be held at BOKU (18th district), Vienna, Austria
Call for abstracts
Abstracts of 250-300 words in the following topics on Integrated Disaster Risk Management are encouraged:
Abstracts should be submitted as a word file via to
Important Dates
Abstract deadline: 15 July 2010 (extended)
Early registration deadline: 31 July 2010
Notification of abstract acceptance: 21 July 2010