The 2nd Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM2011) was successfully held at the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles, USA, on 14-16 July 2011. The theme of the conference was “Reframing Disasters and Reflecting on Risk Governance Deficits.” More than 100 participants attended the event including several well-known national and international speakers including Kathleen Tierney, Director of the Natural Hazards Center in Boulder, CO, USA; Detlof von Winterfeldt, Director, IIASA, Austria; James Featherstone, Director of the City of Los Angeles Emergency Management Department; and George Apostolakis from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Prof. Adam Rose from USC and Profs. Norio Okada and Hirokazu Tatano from the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI) of Kyoto University were co-organizing this important event.
Among the conference topics, there were two specials sessions on the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan of 11 March 2011. Other topics covered included post-disaster reconstruction and recovery; resilience as an approach to integrated disaster risk management; megacities and disasters; critical infrastructure vulnerability; climate change adaptation, linking climate change and weather-related disasters; conjoint natural and technological (Natech) disasters; social vulnerability and socio-economic strategies for disaster risk reduction; I; information management and sharing in disaster contexts; the future and limitations of catastrophe models; and among others.
Every year, the IDRiM conference hosts a special “young scientists research session”. This year’s young scientist sessions included both oral and poster presentations.

Call for abstracts

Abstracts should be submitted as a word file via to

Important Dates
Abstract deadline: 15 July 2010 (extended)
Early registration deadline: 31 July 2010
Notification of abstract acceptance: 21 July 2010

IDRiM 2010 – Tenth Annual Conference on Integrated Disaster Risk Management: Sharing IDRiM experiences under different socio-economic and cultural contexts will take place at BOKU University, in Vienna, Austria from 1-4 September 2010.

The conference is being co-organized by
BOKU University
the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI) of Kyoto University
and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA).

The conference will be held at BOKU (18th district), Vienna, Austria

Call for abstracts
Abstracts of 250-300 words in the following topics on Integrated Disaster Risk Management are encouraged:

  • Disaster risk assessment
  • Concern assessment and participatory disaster risk management
  • Stakeholder involvement and communication
  • Disaster vulnerability assessment
  • Disaster prevention and mitigation
  • Disaster recovery and reconstruction
  • Enhancing resilience
  • Business continuity
  • Institutional/ organizational arrangements
  • Risk governance
  • Policy for integrated disaster risk management
  • Financing risk (e.g., catastrophe insurance)
  • Economics and cost/benefit analysis
  • Natural hazards, made-made hazards and multi-hazards
  • Flood protection
  • Earthquake risk management
  • Natechs
  • Climate change
  • Disaster reduction hyperbase (DRH)
  • Lessons learned from extreme events (e.g., volcanic ash cloud, oil spill in Gulf of Mexico)

Abstracts should be submitted as a word file via to

Important Dates
Abstract deadline: 15 July 2010 (extended)
Early registration deadline: 31 July 2010
Notification of abstract acceptance: 21 July 2010